In order to achieve any goals in life, either personal, family or business, it requires continuous effort and consistency. Procrastinating or starting and giving up when things don’t go your way will not have you where you want to be in the end. The basis of success and achieving goals is in the daily consistent actions and
The Art of Becoming One with Yourself
The best thing you can be in life is to be exactly who you are meant to be. Part of finding the “real you” entails the willingness to be open and vulnerable. Does the word vulnerable scare you? It’s not a weakness, it’s a strength you need to develop. It is the guts to be the authentic you!
Never forget the love and the laughter
I’ve learned over the years that out of great struggle and grief comes great good. Not sure any loss compares to your child dying much too young. The death of a child leaves a deep crater is your heart and your life. Nothing prepares you for coping with the death of your child. Let’s talk about Life
Are you a Morning person?
Are you a morning person? Are you making the most of your mornings? Does getting out of bed the hardest part of your day? Most people aren’t naturally what you’d call a “morning person”including myself. Do you long to be the type who is bright eyed and bushy tailed upon rising at the sound of their alarm
Christmas at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston
There is nothing as beautiful as a trained human voice singing. I love this beautifully in harmony flash mob at Christmas at Museum of Fine Arts Boston. The depth and range of emotions provoked for the listener. This video was taken at Museum of Fine Art (Boston) Shapiro Family Courtyard on Saturday, December 14th, 2013. The
To Blog or Not to Blog?
Blogging, we all have something to say We each have our views about the world, facts we know, or things we want to learn. With the explosion of the Internet blogging has become a forum for us to connect with others all over this planet. Blogging is the free and open exchange of ideas, goals, and information.
Are You Eating the “Right Foods” to Activate Your Metabolic System?
How do you know if you are eating the “Right Foods” to activate your metabolic system? All calories are created equal where the numbers game of weight loss is concerned, right? Wrong! According to a relatively new eating plan The Active Calorie Diet from Rodale Publishing and Prevention Magazine. Based on recent research, this plan works off the premise
She…..The Essence of a Woman
“She” is a signature song of Charles Aznavour I originally fell in love with Charles Aznavour, the most beloved French entertainer many years ago on my very first European trip. Hearing this the first time I immediately understood the lyrics painting the story of “She”. It was spontaneous love for this song and the emotional story it
Happy Singles Awareness Day
Happy Valentines Day! If you don’t have a Valentine, don’t worry. I’ll keep you company on Singles Awareness Day this year. However, I forgot to buy you flowers and chocolates. Sorry And I’m not taking you out to dinner either. But I really am quite fond of you! Really! Let’s start a new movement…..365 Valentines
Who Are the “Keepers” in Your Life??
Who matters most in your life? Life and death is important, everything else is “just stuff” One day a woman’s husband died, and on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of their bedroom, the wife was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn’t “anymore”. No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate
Elegant, Historic Budapest
Elegant Historic Budapest I was fortunate to come across this stunningly beautiful time lapse of one of my favorite cities. Since my family hails from Hungary I may be a little prejudiced on that. I have loved Budapest from the first day I visited that historic city known as “The Paris of the East” I know